Brings you THE
best gastronomic
Nomad Cuisine
About Ethny ?
Présentation Reginald Smit, Chef et Entrepreneur Culinaire
Formé à l’école hôtelière de Namur et diplômé de l’EFP en tant que chef d’entreprise, j’ai eu la chance de faire mes armes dans des établissements prestigieux tels que Bruno* et Bozar Restaurant**. C’est dans ces maisons renommées que j’ai appris à chérir le produit et à cultiver ma passion pour la cuisine et les voyages.
En 2020, fort de mes expériences à travers l’Europe, l’Asie, l’Amérique latine et l’Afrique du Nord, j’ai décidé de me lancer dans le traiteur événementiel. La situation mondiale m’a poussé à m’adapter rapidement, transformant le restaurant en un service mobile, apportant l’excellence culinaire directement chez le client.
C’est ainsi qu’est né Ethny Nomad Cuisine, un service traiteur sur-mesure, axé sur la transmission du savoir-faire de la gastronomie française enrichi par les inspirations culinaires de mes voyages. D’origine brésilienne et ayant grandi en Belgique, je mets en avant le terroir et les produits de qualité.
About Ethny ?
welcome you again
Dear Friends and Valued Customers,
Ma Cuisine
Ma cuisine est une célébration des saisons, centrée sur le produit, le fait maison et le circuit court. Elle est avant tout une cuisine fusion, alliant les bases de la gastronomie française avec des influences du monde entier, inspirées de mes voyages.
Où Je Veux Aller
Ayant eu l’honneur de servir des clients prestigieux – ambassades, particuliers, institutions d’État, clients exigeants et mariages haut de gamme – mon objectif est de développer une entreprise Horeca capable de s’adapter à chaque demande.
J’ai eu la chance d’acquérir un restaurant qui me sert de lieu de production, d’espace événementiel et de salle de restaurant. Ce lieu est le cœur de mon activité, où chaque événement est personnalisé et exécuté avec excellence.
Ce Que Je Veux Partager
Pour réaliser un projet ambitieux, je crois fermement en la transmission du savoir-faire. J’ai eu l’honneur de donner des cours de cuisine au centre de formation de Bruxelles, l’EFP. Mon objectif est de partager mes connaissances tout en permettant à chacun d’exprimer sa créativité avec la cuisine comme toile de fond.
Services et Formules Proposés
Ethny Nomad Cuisine propose une gamme de services traiteur adaptés à chaque besoin, qu’il s’agisse de repas privés, d’événements d’entreprise, de mariages ou de réceptions. Chaque service est conçu sur mesure, mettant en avant des produits de saison et des plats faits maison, tout en intégrant des influences culinaires du monde entier.
Nos formules comprennent :
- Repas privés et dîners gastronomiques : Une expérience culinaire unique, directement chez vous.
- Événements d’entreprise : Des solutions adaptées pour chaque occasion professionnelle.
- Mariages et réceptions : Des menus personnalisés pour célébrer vos moments importants.
- Cours de cuisine : Transmettre la passion et les techniques culinaires aux amateurs et futurs chefs.
Ethny Nomad Cuisine est plus qu’un service traiteur ; c’est une aventure culinaire où chaque repas raconte une histoire, la vôtre.
Réginald Smit
Chef and Owner
Welcome to Ethny, where our passion for culinary excellence intertwines with a journey shaped by adaptability, collaboration, and a ceaseless pursuit of gastronomic innovation.
My name is Réginald Smit, a young chef and restaurateur, nurtured by the esteemed école hôtelière de Namur and further honed at the Efpme training center in Brussels. Ethny symbolizes a culinary venture that my team and I have cradled since the unprecedented year of 2020.
In the very heart of the COVID-19 pandemic, a time that tested our collective resilience, my entrepreneurial spirit took a pivotal turn. I ventured into the realm of food entrepreneurship, adapting to the new normal by crafting a bespoke “chef at home” catering service. If diners could no longer come to the restaurant, I resolved to bring the pinnacle of gastronomic experience directly to them.
It was during the quest for professional premises that destiny introduced me to Arnaud du bois d’aiche, an entrepreneur deeply rooted in the food industry and the proud proprietor of Chef à Table – a company specializing in kitchen rentals adapted to dark kitchens. His belief in my culinary vision fused with immediate support, enabling us to merge our strengths, expand our two businesses, and enhance our professional offerings to an ever-growing clientele. Together, we’ve had the privilege of working in extraordinary venues and collaborating with trustworthy partners, such as the Château d’Emmine, amongst numerous others.
Firmly believing that our profession is one of transmission, I continued to teach at EFP, molding young minds and seamlessly integrating them into our evolving enterprise. From these synergies, Ethny, the restaurant, was born. Our project took shape, blossomed, and we are now thrilled to introduce you to Restaurant Traiteur Ethny, nestled in the region of Huldenberg.
About Ethny ?
At Ethny, we offer a unique bistronomic cuisine, authentically grounded in the seasons, and fervently celebrating local producers from both the Walloon Brabant and Flemish regions. Our culinary philosophy hinges on spotlighting the exceptional quality and flavors of our local surroundings.
We extend an invitation for you to embark on this culinary journey with us, exploring a tapestry of flavors, all while honoring the rich, fertile grounds of our beloved region.
Welcome to Ethny, where our passion for culinary excellence intertwines with a journey shaped by adaptability, collaboration, and a ceaseless pursuit of gastronomic innovation.
My name is Réginald Smit, a young chef and restaurateur, nurtured by the esteemed école hôtelière de Namur and further honed at the Efpme training center in Brussels. Ethny symbolizes a culinary venture that my team and I have cradled since the unprecedented year of 2020.
In the very heart of the COVID-19 pandemic, a time that tested our collective resilience, my entrepreneurial spirit took a pivotal turn. I ventured into the realm of food entrepreneurship, adapting to the new normal by crafting a bespoke “chef at home” catering service. If diners could no longer come to the restaurant, I resolved to bring the pinnacle of gastronomic experience directly to them.
It was during the quest for professional premises that destiny introduced me to Arnaud du bois d’aiche, an entrepreneur deeply rooted in the food industry and the proud proprietor of Chef à Table – a company specializing in kitchen rentals adapted to dark kitchens. His belief in my culinary vision fused with immediate support, enabling us to merge our strengths, expand our two businesses, and enhance our professional offerings to an ever-growing clientele. Together, we’ve had the privilege of working in extraordinary venues and collaborating with trustworthy partners, such as the Château d’Emmine, amongst numerous others.
Firmly believing that our profession is one of transmission, I continued to teach at EFP, molding young minds and seamlessly integrating them into our evolving enterprise. From these synergies, Ethny, the restaurant, was born. Our project took shape, blossomed, and we are now thrilled to introduce you to Restaurant Traiteur Ethny, nestled in the region of Huldenberg.
Welcome to Ethny, where our passion for culinary excellence intertwines with a journey shaped by adaptability, collaboration, and a ceaseless pursuit of gastronomic innovation.
My name is Réginald Smit, a young chef and restaurateur, nurtured by the esteemed école hôtelière de Namur and further honed at the Efpme training center in Brussels. Ethny symbolizes a culinary venture that my team and I have cradled since the unprecedented year of 2020.
In the very heart of the COVID-19 pandemic, a time that tested our collective resilience, my entrepreneurial spirit took a pivotal turn. I ventured into the realm of food entrepreneurship, adapting to the new normal by crafting a bespoke “chef at home” catering service. If diners could no longer come to the restaurant, I resolved to bring the pinnacle of gastronomic experience directly to them.
It was during the quest for professional premises that destiny introduced me to Arnaud du bois d’aiche, an entrepreneur deeply rooted in the food industry and the proud proprietor of Chef à Table – a company specializing in kitchen rentals adapted to dark kitchens. His belief in my culinary vision fused with immediate support, enabling us to merge our strengths, expand our two businesses, and enhance our professional offerings to an ever-growing clientele. Together, we’ve had the privilege of working in extraordinary venues and collaborating with trustworthy partners, such as the Château d’Emmine, amongst numerous others.
Firmly believing that our profession is one of transmission, I continued to teach at EFP, molding young minds and seamlessly integrating them into our evolving enterprise. From these synergies, Ethny, the restaurant, was born. Our project took shape, blossomed, and we are now thrilled to introduce you to Restaurant Traiteur Ethny, nestled in the region of Huldenberg.
My goal
Promote local products
My goal is to promote local products and employees. Seasonality and sustainability are key. When I compose a menu I do everything I can to respect the season and products. I will always try to find the best way to give meaning to your meal. Whether It’s overproduction or overconsumption, I think that we can make the best dinner and respect the environment at the same time.
No waste
Organic food
Homemade cuisine
They think about Me